
Tristan Joins Kim and Others at a Restaurant: Here’s Khloe’s Reaction!



For all those who have been following the Tristan/Khloe drama this year, you may be surprised to read this headline…but it has happened. Considering Tristan was back in New York, it’s perhaps not surprising that he was seen in the same restaurant as Kim K. However, what is surprising is the fact that he was invited to join the table as Kim sat with La La Anthony and Jonathan Cheban.

Not only did they sit together for some time, reports suggest the night came to an end with ‘hugs’. What does Khloe think about this meeting?

Khloe’s Greatest Supporter

Firstly, we should note that this was a chance encounter and that it wasn’t planned for Tristan to join Kim for dinner. What’s more, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians cameras were rolling at the time. Since the news broke of Tristan’s cheating, Kim has been a staunch supporter of Khloe Kardashian while speaking out against Tristan a number of times.

According to sources, the situation is different to most since Khloe and Tristan are both trying to do what’s right for little True Thompson. Therefore, the pair have been able to improve their relationship in recent times, and this is why Khloe apparently had no issue with the two sitting together at an NYC restaurant.

Even if there were cordial hugs to end the evening, a source close to the family has said that it isn’t a betrayal. Through it all, Khloe understands Kim’s real intentions and knows that she was probably acting in a polite manner for the good of their relationship and for True.

As for Khloe herself, it seems the pull of the New York Fashion Week wasn’t strong enough this year. Instead, she has enjoyed a week at home with her daughter. With Khloe wanting to become a mother for so long, the same source said that this isn’t something she’s taking for granted; and it’s also why the stories breaking earlier this year with Tristan were such a blow.

Just this week, it was also revealed that Tristan went in for a kiss with Khloe before True’s first birthday. However, Khloe rejected his advances.

Busy Week for Kim

Elsewhere, Kim Kardashian has also been in the news after giving a frank interview with Entertainment Tonight. Over the years, Kim has had to face a number of health battles including a positive testing for Lupus antibodies. In the interview, she noted the importance of keeping this sort of thing away from her children. However, it was difficult for a while after she struggled to pick up her kids due to hand pain.

Furthermore, she also discussed depression and the overall positive affect her children have had on her life. For those who judge the Kardashians without really understanding them, this is a brilliant interview and it shows that they’re all human just like us!


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