
The Con Queen of Hollywood on the books of the FBI



The Federal Bureau Investigation is on the search for someone who is known as the con queen of Hollywood. She got her name from the activities that she has done. She is believed to have offered a big job to actors and actresses from out of the country through impersonation and other unorthodox means. On many occasions, it has been said that she has impersonated popular movie heads such as Kathleen Kennedy who is the president of Lucasfilm just to defraud people in the industry.  

100 victims and counting

One of the things which drew the FBI attention to the con queen would be the sheer number who have fallen into her trap in recent times. She is believed to have successfully swayed more than 100 persons and counting asking them to pay some fees upfront if they wish to land prestigious jobs in the future. The amounts which she has asked them to pay so far would vary from as low as $3000 upwards to more than $150,000. This is one of the biggest scams in Hollywood right now and even the FBI agrees with this analogy.

According to the FBI, the victims involved in this scams were many persons from different industries. Some were stunt performers and even writers. These persons were also contacted through various means such as through a phone call or even through text messages involving the scam jobs and what it might entail them to do. Some of the jobs would state that they might need to travel to Indonesia to test out just how efficient they would be for the job.

The travel is mostly paid for by themselves and when they reach Indonesia, they are coerced to keep on providing payment for the use of a driver and many other services which would lead to loss of funds. This process would keep happening until the person realizes that he has just been scammed or until the entire trip cycle is finished in Indonesia. 

FBI opens Investigation

In a bid to find the con Queen, the FBI has opened investigation using questionnaires given to victims concerning the entire scenario. Most of the victims also said that some of the conversations which they had with the person were sexually inclined but with no real motive of scamming them in that respect. 

It should be remembered that Victoria Alonso who is Marvel’s vice president found that someone was impersonating her and taking calls with many actors who were trying to move up in their careers. She called it terrible and the one thing she felt bad about in her career which has spanned over 30 years so far. Other persons who have impersonated would also include Sarah Finn who is the director of the Infinity war and the much liked Black Panther.

So what’s our take?

The sooner the FBI finds out who the con Queen, the safer Hollywood would become once again. 


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