
Tenet Delayed and Unhinged Released – Movie Update



For those who have followed Celeb Network for some time, you’ll know that we love to report new movie releases and box office revenues. Therefore, in light of the pandemic, it has been incredibly quiet on this front. Today, we have mixed news with the release of Russell Crowe’s Unhinged and the delay of Christopher Nolan’s Tenet.

Unhinged Becomes the First Premiere

After global shutdowns three months ago, we didn’t know when everything would reopen. It’s been a long wait, but we seem to have arrived as the premiere takes place for Russell Crowe’s Unhinged. In various interviews, Crowe believed that movie fans needed an escape from the world, and this is exactly what the new movie provides.

According to many surveys and studies, visiting the cinema was the number one thing that people missed during lockdown (apart from spending time with friends and family). Even within this, movie-goers were craving a thriller rather than a love story or comedy. Crowe said he was pleased this was the case, and that he could finally bring his new film to fans.

In the movie, Crowe’s character stalks a woman and child after a road incident. Not every country has reopened cinemas just yet, so the box office figures will reflect this. However, the release date of July 10th is set to work in Australia, the UK, the US, Asia, some countries in Europe, and Latin America.

Of course, we recommend following government guidelines and checking the status of cinemas and other public locations in your location first.

Another Delay for Tenet

While it has been good news for Unhinged, Christopher Nolan fans are disappointed once again after the announcement of another delay for Tenet. Initially, release was set for July 17th. Then, not so long ago, it was pushed back two weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Just yesterday, Warner Bros announced that the release date is now set for August 12th.

For those who haven’t been keeping tabs on the story, there’s lots riding on the movie for Warner Bros. With stars such as John David Washington, Dimple Kapadia, and Robert Pattinson, reports suggest that total production costs exceeded $200 million. With this in mind, it seems the company is intent on releasing the film once the world has reopened properly rather than risking poor performance with some countries still imposing lockdowns and social distancing.

In a statement that accompanied the news, Warner Bros also said they were happy to wait for public health officials and exhibitors to give the go ahead. With everything going on in the world, they said that the midweek release is so that people can find the film in their own time. Also, they revealed the movie will show for longer than normal in cinemas.

In addition to Tenet, Warner Bros has also announced a delay to the Inception 10th anniversary release; it will now be available on July 31st.


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