The first Joker film directed by Todd Phillips that came out in 2019 was an unhinged and unpredictable drama-thriller. The madness of the famous DC character...
Each year, the race for the best picture is a highly competitive one, and it is no different as the entertainment world heads into the 92nd...
It’s been a little while since we’ve had a box office update, and it has been a busy week in the world of cinema (as always!)....
Joker the Most Profitable Comic Book Movie of All-Time and has crossed $1 Billion Will Joker get anywhere close to The Dark Knight? This was a...
Will Joker be as successful as The Dark Knight? Will Joaquin Phoenix be able to live up to the reputation that Heath Ledger has built for...
Back in 1994, Disney took the brave decision of bringing The Jungle Book back into the mainstream with a live-action remake. After this, we saw 101 Dalmatians and...