The 43rd Golden Raspberry Awards named many films and actors as the worst of the year. In fact, for the first time in Razzies history, the...
Succession is a satirical comedy and dark drama show that spins around the Logan family. The show has been a long-time favorite for millions of fans...
Yesterday, we brought you news of all the big winners at Sunday’s Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony. As regular readers at Celeb Network will know, we also...
As the 71st edition of the Primetime Emmy Awards took place last night, it was an evening that offered everything. There were big winners, big names,...
Who would have believed that after all the outrage that trailed the release of the “Dream Crazy” ad campaign by Nike last September that the video...
The Emmy Awards nominations have come and gone. While we can’t complain about the nominees – they are surely worthy of getting the nod; we can’t help...
HBO’s “Game of Thrones” broke and set new records for the most-nominated series for this year’s Primetime Emmy Awards nomination. The final season of the series was...
The 71stPrimetime Emmy Awards nominations are out. Catch the list to see which of the casts from your favorite TV show made the cut. Actors D’Arcy...