Daredevil was, for many fans, the best TV show Marvel ever created. The competition is usually between the blind vigilante and Agents of Shield. However, the...
Adam Driver is one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, and one of his latest films is all set to make a big entrance at the Chinese box...
Succession is a satirical comedy and dark drama show that spins around the Logan family. The show has been a long-time favorite for millions of fans...
Commitment to looking the part is often something that leaves fans in bits over an actor’s transformation. Two of the greatest examples of bodily transformations are...
Creed is the series that was born from the fan-favorite boxing series Rocky. The formerly starred none other than Sylvester Stallone as the titular character. One...
The fan-favorite actress Jennifer Aniston who is now 54 years old, has had a massive and expansive career ever since the 1994 sitcom went on air....
On the 15th of February, members of the Writers Guild of America met once again to discuss their demands. Back in 2007-2008, the writers went on...
Tessa Thompson is a brilliant actress who has featured in iconic films like Thor: Ragnarok, Annihilation, and Dear White People. She also stars opposite Micheal B....
Detroit-born actor Tom Sizemore gained a lot of fame for playing tough guys in military and police movies. The actor passed away recently at 61 years...
Yorgos Lanthimos is back with yet again another one of his quirky, offbeat films. The greek director is famous for making films inspired by Greek tales...