The firing of Marvel’s exec Victoria Alonso has been pretty public. She used to serve as the President of Physical, Post Production, VFX, and Animation at...
Citadel is Amazon’s ambitious spy drama series that stars Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden in the titular roles of Nadia Sinh and Mason Kane. The...
Day of The Triffids, a novel by John Wyndham, was published in 1951. For alien/zombie flick enthusiasts, this is incredible news. The novel is all about...
The Peripheral is a show by Lisa Joy and Jonah Nolan. The two have become famous due to the success of the wild Mid-western/Modern Sci-fi drama...
No one doubts that this spring, TV will be the best companion for many households. As the entire world heads into April and May amid the...
The entire world may be in a scary shape at this moment, but what will always remain with us till the end of time is TV....