
Sex Crime charges as R Kelly charged and in custody



Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

There is trouble in paradise for the famous singer R Kelly as he has been slammed with federal charges relating to sex crimes. In fact, he has been arrested and is in current custody of the federal authorities who are currently investigating the charges which have been brought against him.

13 charges.

Currently, the singer is in custody having been taken in by the NYPD. He is said to be currently facing a lot of charges which is currently 13 at the moment but could even increase in the near future. While the offences of sexual abuse borders on about 20, Robert Kelly which is the real name of the singer has currently pleaded not guilty to the charges which had been brought before him. 

So the question that would probably be on your minds is how did he get here in the first place?

Running history with child abuse

This is not the first time that R Kelly is facing some limelight based on his child abuse history. In the last 20 years, he had faced so much attention based on these charges. In fact, as later as earlier this year, he was facing more than 8 charges on sex crimes committed on people less than the adult age in the United States.

After these first charges, he was released on bail as the case was still being investigated. However, at the beginning of May, things got even worse for the singer. He was slapped with a further 11 charges which were rather shocking, to say the least. Most of the charges which he is facing see sexual relations with children or infants who are between the 13-16 age gap. 

The reasons why it is considered to be a federal charge is that most of the child abuse did not just happen in one case. They happened in various states over a period of time. When this sort of situation occurs, the offender would usually face stricter punishment.

It is important to remember that this is not the first time which the singer would be facing charges and even trial based on child sex crimes. 10 years ago, he was charged to court for offences which bordered on child pornography charges. While that might be the case, the offences which he faces now are much more grievous and could lead to the singer spending a lot of jail time. Other charges which are among the charges filed include sex trafficking and even child abuse images. 

So What happens now?

It remains to be seen just how serious these charges could turn out to be in the future. However, R Kelly would no doubt be looking to bail after this arrest and proceeding may well be entered for such cause. In the end, may the truth about the matter come out as child abuse is really a terrible crime and deserve full punishment if found guilty by a competent court. 


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