Privacy Policy
We offer a very warm welcome to our website Celebnetwork which domain address is (known in this privacy policy as “website”). Celebnetwork (which would also be known as “us” or “we”) is pleased to represent to you our privacy policy (which would be referred to as “this policy”). This policy shall be used to guide your usage of our website, the various services which we can provide and other forms of communication and activities you can perform through this website. This policy is descriptive about the various details which our services may provide and how we take steps to protect that information and any detail which you provide us during your stay with us. All the provisions which are written in this privacy policy shall be subject to the terms and conditions located at If there is, therefore, any conflict between both documents, the terms and conditions shall prevail, and the provision shall to the extent of its consistency be null and void.
Please note that all the terms which may be capitalized in this document shall have the same meaning irrespective of its capitalization. If these terms are not defined in this document, they shall be accorded the meanings which are prescribed in the terms and conditions as earlier provided.
Definitions and Meanings
“Personal data or information” shall refer to all the details which have been provided and linked to a user or a human being (natural persons).
“Public area shall refer to any space or area in our website which is accessible by everyone (everyone here would refer to both guests and registered users of our website). This area can be accessed without the need to sign into any account.
“Limited area” shall refer to any space or area in our website that is limited to only registered users of our website. This would mean that signing in would be necessary before usage would be granted.
“User” shall refer to any person who is duly registered on our website. Registration would mean that the user would be entitled to a subscription to our newsletters and any changes we may make, be entitled to take parts in surveys which we may from time to time hold and provide us with certain information which would allow us to improve the quality of our services.
“Guest” shall refer to any natural person who is not a registered user of our website and who is only entitled to using the public area of our website and shall have no access to the areas which are viewed to be limited to registered users.
Details we take from you for our service
Throughout our service, we would need to take some of your details. This can be done through the service or directly. Our principle which guides the collection of any data that we have is that the details which we receive are necessary for us to provide services which you would enjoy in line with the provisions which we have set out in the terms and conditions of our website. Every process we carry out is done with the view of protecting the interest of everyone at Celebnetwork. The various ways we use this information is contained at the usage of details we take from you. Please be advised that it is also possible for us to process certain details when you expressly give us consent to do so and we make it a duty to ask for this consent at appropriate times.
Details provided by the users
Upon usage of the services which are provided by the website by a registered user or a guest, we may ask and expect that you provide certain personal details. Some examples of the personal details which you may be expected to provide would include your name, your address (both physical and electronic) and your payment details such as your credit cards. Other details which you may also have to provide would include your location and any such details as it may affect anyone personally and under the circumstances. There are many ways in which personal details may be sought from you. This would include at the point of registration, during the process of using this website and any communication which you may make with this website. It would also include your feedback or complaint which you may make through the customer care.
Automated Details
During the process of using our process, we may for the sake of improving our services take note of certain details that come from the device which is being used to access our website. Some of these things or details could be gotten through the use of “gifs” and other things which are popularly known as “cookies.” Other things which we would also collect would be the IP address which would allow us to know the location through which you are accessing the internet and also the type of device which you are using. We would also take note of the number of times which you have accessed our website and the pages which you may have visited. The automated information collection would apply to all users of our website (registered users and guests).
Integrated services
Sometimes, in the process of providing our services to you, you may have the option of providing certain details such as your username or password to other websites which are otherwise known as “third parties.” This could include Google or Facebook as worthy examples. You have the option of authorizing this usage which would allow these third parties to collect certain information about you and some of the personal details which you have provided us with. Once we have received your permission, our integrated services would keep account of certain things such as the date of birth, gender, and your address. We might also keep account of your location and the URL which you are using. To understand more about our integrated services, you should visit your privacy settings on our website. This should be done before you use our services or our website in conjunction with third parties.
Details from other sources
We may also find it necessary to get some details about you from other parties other than our services or the information which you have provided us with. This could be from our partners, advertisers, and whosoever we feel is deemed qualified to obtain these details from. Once the information or details is with us and has been obtained, it shall be treated as your Personal Details which shall have the same effects as outlined in this policy
Usage of the Details we collect
Any details or information which we collect can be used in so many ways. This would include the various ways in which we strive to provide our services and any other thing which you shall need. This would very include the following;
- Our Operations: the details which we are giving would be used to ensure the smooth operation, maintenance, and promotion of all the services which we aim to give you. It shall also include all the services and features of our website which you have requested for and to provide adequate feedback to anyone on our website, which would need such feedback.
- Regular Improvements: the details which we are given would help us to take into question the trends which are visible in your usage and the various choices and preference of both registered users and guests of our website. This would help us to improve upon any existing services and to perfect the services which we would aim to produce or provide to our users.
- Communications: we also use some of the details which any use or guest of our website may provide us to contact the user as earlier mentioned. This contact could be for a variety of reasons which shall include administrative purposes and intellectual property rights such as the use and violation of rights entrenched in this privacy policy as well as any charge relating to defamation based on any personal details which you might have provided us with. It could also be used for any purpose which is related to a business transactions and also in our quest to make sure that you are aware of all the various updates which we would from time to time make to various services and products which we offer. This would also include materials, licenses, and other products which may be offered by the various affiliate third parties or our partners. Please be advised that you would have a choice when it comes to getting updates about the various items listed above.
- Cookies: as earlier stated in this policy, we collect certain details automatically through the use of cookies or any one technology which may serve as the same purpose. These cookies are used to make sure that all the services which we offer you are personalized to your choices and preferences. It would also help us to make a certain advertisement which would be customized to your preferences and choices. We also use these cookies to ensure that the services which we offer you are effective and meets all your needs through the process of analysis and other marketing monitoring devices. It would also play a part in making sure that we fully understand our website’s usage metrics which would include the aggregate sum of persons who regularly visit the website and the number of pages which are viewed by each user. It would help us to monitor the various submission or entries which you would have made to us in the process of dispensing the services which we offer.
- Analytics: in order to make sure that we have an accurate knowledge of the effect of traffic on our website, we make sure that we make use of Google Analytics to measure the amount of traffic which we get on our website. Please be advised that Google can be referred to as a third party and therefore have their independent terms and conditions. It would be wise to make sure that you also analyze their provisions in addition to their own privacy policies.
You can be assured that we go to great lengths to ensure that all the information which can be considered “technical” is protected securely. All information which is collected by our website is only used to resolve any issues which we may encounter and in order to make sure that each user uses the services they love according to their preferences. Please be assured that our use of your data is not to identify you in any way whatsoever.
Disclosure of information
Subject to any other provision in this policy, we shall never with the full intention of doing so disclose your personal details that are collected while providing you with our services to any third party without getting the express consent of the registered user or guest. When express consent has been given, we will take it as having given the necessary authority to give disclose such information.
Unrestricted Information
All details which you have submitted expressly or impliedly to be included in any public space in the service we offer would be available to anyone who views the page regardless of the status of the user (registered or guest).
Third Party Provider
In line with the fulfillment of our services, we would sometimes engage service providers, which would be the third party. These third party providers might provide such services like development of websites, hosting, and other services which we may deem fit and necessary in line with the circumstances. Please be assured that we would do our best to limit the information and personal data which we provide to those third parties to what is needed to perform their functions. It is also important to note that any terms of contract which would be signed would be done on the basis of strict confidentiality.
Identity of Information
All automated information or details which are gotten would be made non-identifiable when it is given to third parties for any purpose that we may deem fit and necessary for the efficient running of the services we offer you. These purposes could very include but are not limited to marketing or business, helping us to identify the various interests and choices of our users and so much more.
Law Enforcement and Compliance
Subject to the provisions of the law in which we currently reside in, any personal data which is requested by law shall be compiled. This will also be the same if there is any court order or subpoena from the government requesting to reveal or disclose any information. We would do our best to cooperate fully with any enforcement agencies which is controlled by the state.
We also would use our discretion in revealing certain personal information as it relates to liability, for protecting our website and the user on it from any activity which is fraudulent and abusive in nature. We would also take our right when it comes to defending any of our actions against any claims or allegations which are made against us to the appropriate authority. We would also reveal certain information in our quest to protect the very principle of our website and the services which we render to our users. Our legal and intellectual property rights are important to us, and we may choose to reveal or disclose the information if there is a perceived violation of our rights and we might disclose any information in any circumstances which we may deem fit and necessary to do so considering the situation around the facts in issue.
All details which we have concerning our users which could very well include the personal data of natural persons would be disclosed or transferred to any other successor in the event of a merger and any other circumstances that might require the transfer. This is subject to other provisions which are provided for in this policy and would only be valid if that user has not violated any provision that has been outlined in the privacy policy or in the terms and conditions of this website.
Your Preferences
We are always appreciative of the preferences in our users and respect your right to privacy in all your dealings. We do this by ensuring that you have access to all the personal data which we have concerning you. In the event that you wish for us to transfer such personal data or delete all details which we have gotten from integrated services, you would have to contact us using the various avenues for communication that are available to you. Once this has been done and we have approved you, we would have such information deleted from our database permanently.
Please note that to delete your information or correct/update it, you can validly do so through the use of your account settings. It is important to remember that all the changes which you make would be effected immediately, we reserve the right in this case to retain all the information deleted as a form of backup with the main aim of stopping fraudulent act or to satisfy certain legal obligations which have been imposed on us by law and any other things that may be deemed fit and necessary for the purpose.
You have the right to choose not to give us some of your personal details. However, please note that failure to provide us with these additional details would lead to loss of some features which might otherwise be available to you. If you have any reason to believe that any of your rights as regards your policy is being infringed upon, you can always contact us as soon as possible. You also have the full rights to make any complaints to the appropriate authorities governing the jurisdiction.
Commercial Communications
In the event that any email is gotten from us as regards to commerce and other business opportunities, you have the right to unsubscribe from such service at any time which you deem fit. To do so, you should follow the instructions on ways in which you can affect your wish.
All users that have been registered would modify the various ways and times in which they receive such emails through the website. It is important to note that disabling this feature which we off you or modifying the frequency at which you receive it might take up to ten working days before the chance can be fully effected. It is also important to note that opting out of these messages would not in any way affect the various administrative messages which we send to all users of our website from time to time.
Third Party Services
Some of the services which we offer to our users may have external links to other websites and other services which can be described as third parties. All the details which you provide to any third party or partners would be subject to their policies and laws irrespective of whether it can be done through our website. Please note that we would not be held liable for any content or policies of third parties whose links are displayed on any content listed here on our website. Therefore, we urge all our users to be abreast with the policies and terms and conditions of third parties before releasing any personal information to them in any way whatsoever.
Privacy rights
As provided by the privacy laws of California, we shall not share any details with third parties for any direct marking strategy that is being conducted by third parties. This is to the extent that it is being prohibited by the state of California. If any such law changes, we shall change our practice in line with the provisions of the law.
All advertising which is done on the interest is gotten from the collection of information across the various websites on the internet. The aim of this is to make sure that we have the preference of such users on our fingertips in order to make such services effective to our users.
With this aim, please be informed that we form partnerships with many third parties in order or understand these preferences and choices which many people have. This is what we use to guide ourselves when we send in any commercial transactions to you an email. Such third-party partners would include networks which are focused on advertising who collect several preferences of users. We also partner with networks which would help us to analyze the success of advertisements which we have made in the past and also, we partner with other business networks to understand the way each user would react to any advertisements which they have viewed.
In line with achieving this, we might use certain technological applications or devices to make sure that get the desired results. Some of them would be cookies, beacons, and even tags. It would include others as may be deemed fit and necessary.
Do not track
We currently would not entertain the do not features which are being used by some websites today, which indicates that you do not wish to be tracked. This is because there is no current interpretation of these features, which is considered to be the right one. However, if you wish not to be part of some form of advertising on the interest, you can visit would guide you on how to go about this.
- Third Party Cookies
Third parties which we partner with would have the right to use their cookies on our websites as outlined in the terms which we agree upon. This would give them the right to collect information which would help them find the right preference for you. Some of the third parties which would be considered under this contact would business partners and other networks which focus more on advertising.
It is important to note that we make reasonable efforts to ensure that all the information which we give out would not identify you in any way whatsoever.
- Privacy of Minors
Please be informed of the services which we offer to our users would not apply to any minor or infant. Therefore, you can be assured that we do not with full intention collect any detail of minors without the express consent of the parent. Therefore, minors should be advised to please desist from the usage of our services. If you have any inquiries as to the extent of this prohibition, you can always contact us, and we would be happy to address all your concerns.
- Security of Data
You can be assured that our security regarding data is in line with the accepted standard of the online industry. This is to ensure that all data which we have received is adequately protected. We make use of the SSL modern technology in our efforts to make sure that our data is fully encrypted against any form of unlawful access and destruction. However, please note that nothing is completely secure and as such, we cannot guarantee that none of the data which you have provided would be accessed or disclosed without our permission. If you should have any reason to believe that any of your information has been compromised, we would be willing to help in any way that we can. Any breach which we submit would be disclosed to you and any of the authorities which we are entitled to report it to.
- Retention of Data
Any personal detail which we have collected from you in the course of the services which we offer would remain in our possession as long as your usage of our services continues. Some of your information may remain with us in the event that it is needed to comply with various laws that are applicable within the jurisdiction and to make sure all agreements which we make are enforceable and not void. If you have any inquiries about the retention of data and how we handle this, please do not hesitate from letting us know about your concerns as soon as possible.
- Setting
All modification and privacy setting which you make are not invulnerable. Therefore, we shall not be liable to any penetration of our defenses and measures that we have taken to keep your data safe. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that your personal data would not be accessible to others which are not authorized to view them. In the event that you feel that any of your privacy settings have been breached, please do not hesitate to let us know through one of the various avenues through which you can contact us.
- Transfer of Data
All transfer of data and storage of data would be done in accordance with the laws and procedures which are applicable in the area where we are based. If the data transfer shall be with another country, the privacy policies as outlined in this policy shall protect such transfer of data.
- Changes to this policy
We would advise that you visit this page from time to time to ensure that you are made aware of all the changes which might have been made. In the event that this page is modified in any way whatsoever, we shall make such modification visible through our services and such modification shall mention the date at which the modification was made. Once you keep on using the service after the modification, you shall be deemed to have accepted such change, and it shall be binding on you.
- Contacting us
If you should have any questions or inquiries on these privacy policies, your personal details or our views on disclosure and protection of your data, the right to give consent, complaint or any other thing you deem fit to mention, please, do not hesitate to contact us using the many avenues which have been available to you.

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