
Not All Celebrities Master Fashion…Here’s Some Celebrity Designer Clothing Lines That Failed



For many years, we seem to have looked at celebrities to get inspiration for fashion. We perceive celebrities as those in the know because they have access to resources (money and fashion experts). In addition to this, the likes of Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie, Justin Timberlake, and Jessica Simpson have all had successful fashion lines over the years.

However, not all celebrities have found the fashion world an easy one to crack. If you thought celebs were guaranteed success in this field, here’s just a few examples that will dispel this myth!

Sweetface by Jennifer Lopez

Firstly, J-Lo has been in the music scene for over two decades, and she has even tried her hand at acting in recent years. In fashion, everything seemed to go wrong. Although her first label, J.Lo by Jennifer Lopez, excelled in the industry, her 2003 launch of Sweetface didn’t quite go so well. Over the years, name changes and brand switch-ups confused us all. Yet, the gist of it is that JustSweet replaced Sweetface before then closing.

Malibu Dave by David Hasselhoff

© BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM David Hasselhoff lands at Los Angeles International Airport with a message for everyone on his t-shirt. It reads, “I’m not dead yet”. Job: 80413J6 April 12, 2008 EXCLUSIVE Los Angeles, California

That’s right, The Hoff tried to launch a range of surfing clothes back in 2006. Despite a little excitement at the very beginning, the line collapsed in the same year and never returned.

Foreign Money by Lil’ Wayne

Despite finding success in nearly every other venture, Lil’ Wayne really struggled in fashion, and it wasn’t for a lack of trying. After announcing Foreign Money, he was talking the clothing line up hugely, and it would be unfair to say that it didn’t generate some excitement. When the line was actually released, it came with a whimper and the line only lasted a handful of months.

Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker

This may sound strange given that SJP is something of a style icon, and the failure of Bitten wasn’t actually her fault. Unfortunately, the line crumbled when Steve and Barry’s did the same. Dear by Amanda Bynes was another one to collapse when the company went bankrupt in 2009.

6126 by Lindsay Lohan

As we reach another celebrity that has achieved in a variety of fields, it wouldn’t have been too much of a stretch for Lindsay Lohan to have a clothing line too. However, despite the world being obsessed with leggings back in 2008, this designer leggings brand failed miserably. Even today, people are only willing to spend so much for leggings, and 6126 seemed to be just beyond our limit.

Abbey Dawn by Avril Lavigne

Considering Avril Lavigne had the ‘skater girl’ niche all to herself, it seemed an obvious move for her to launch a fashion range. Although enjoying some success initially, Abbey Dawn faded from view in 2013 and hasn’t really been seen since.

To finish, here are some more failed celebrity designers and clothing lines;


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