
Mission Impossible 2: Thandie Newton Reveals Tom Cruise Got Frustrated with Her on Set



Thandie Newton has shared a story about her time on the ‘Mission: Impossible 2’ movie set alongside Tom Cruise

The actress starred in the second installment in the ‘Mission: Impossible’ series. But her character did not return for subsequent movies that have become one of the most action-packed franchises in the world. Newton shared her experience in a recent interview and why she was never asked to return for another sequel.

She was Scared of Tom Cruise

Newton said she was terrified of Tom and even recalled a particular moment on set. On this particular day, a scene for the movie was not going as expected.

The actress mentioned how dominant Cruise was on set even though he tried super hard to come off as a nice person. She didn’t fail to mention that Cruise takes on a lot, confirming what Anthony Edwards, Cruise’s wingman in ‘Top Gun,’ had revealed some time back.

According to the actress, Cruise seems to give off this aura or sense that he is the only one who can get everything done perfectly. There was this particular night scene they were shooting, and there were so many extras, pyrotechnics, and all.

Cruise and Newton were on a balcony, and the scene wasn’t well-written, according to the actress. Somehow, they got frustrated with each other as they stood looking out over Spain. 

John Woo Didn’t Help Matters, Newton Says

Newton noted that ‘Mission: Impossible 2’ director, John Woo, did not help matters. She recalled that Woo said he had reached a decision in which he wouldn’t speak or understand English.

But then, Newton believes the main problem with her character in the ‘Mission: Impossible’ sequel had to do with the simple fact that she did not have any significant or impressive lines in that particular scene. And it seems Cruise caught on and made an unsavory suggestion.

Reversing Roles Didn’t Work Out Well

Newton states that Cruise gets frustrated easily, especially when it comes to explaining how to go about issues on set. He encouraged her to rehearse on-camera, and the rehearsal was recorded. But Cruise appeared unsatisfied with the way the scene went, and he suggested they reverse their roles, just for that scene. By then, Newton had mastered the lines, expecting the behind-the-scene shoot to go on smoothly.

But that wasn’t the case; in fact, it was so unhelpful that it further pushed the actress into a place of insecurity and terror. However, the actress did not blame Cruise for the lackluster performance because he did his best to help the situation.

Newton ended up recounting the incident to Jonathan Demme later on that night. But Demme scolded the actress for blaming herself. Cruise still called her much later that night to inform her they would be reshooting the scene but at a later date. 

The next time they shot that particular scene, Newton went in and killed it just the way Cruise wanted it. However, she opined that this wasn’t the way to get the best work from anyone. 

However, Newton maintains that Cruise is not a bad person or an actor difficult to work with despite the on-screen mishap. She believes that the ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ actor puts too much pressure on himself. 


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