
Miley Cyrus Opens up about her sexuality



Miley Cyrus is one star which everybody knows. Whether you know her for her role in Hannah Montana or her crazy lifestyle afterwards, you surely do know this celebrity. Lately, she became a married woman after exchanging her vows with Liam Hemsworth. Sometime after that wonderful event, she has come out to tell us more about her sexuality. Coming from Miley Cyrus, her discovery does not shock one bit. 

Pansexuality and Role

One thing which Miley Cyrus has made clear to the world is that she does not like to be called a wife. Instead, she views herself as a partner and therefore likes to say that her marriage is not in any way stereotypical. Therefore, please do not call her the wife of Liam if you ever get to meet her in the future. 

She has also revealed another important fact to her fans. She is Pansexual! Now if you are wondering who a pansexual is, this simply refers to a person who is attracted romantically to someone else based on who the person is and does not take into account such things like gender when reaching this conclusion. This might come as a shock to most people taking in the fact that she seems to be happily married to Hemsworth for quite a while now. However, she has shown real courage like she is known for already.  

Hetero Relationship

Miley Cyrus has also described her relationship as something which is not readily seen in most parts of America right now. In fact, she described her relationship as a “hetero relationship”. She states rather plainly that she still feels very much attracted to women sexually even though she is married. She linked her decision to marrying Hemsworth to decisions which most people make regarding eating of vegetables. She feels that she is married to someone who is loyal and would also support her stating that she feels he has her back the most. 

She also manages to take a swipe at persons who feel that women should try to fit themselves into the traditional view of how they are seen stating that women should not try to confirm the societal expectations placed on them relating to heteronormative roles which they play. She asserted that women are thought to be selfish when they try to do things their way and not the way in which society has led it down for them. She describes some of these things as being more in the kitchen or even giving birth.

It is clear then that Miley is one who packs a strong opinion on how she wants to be seen and viewed in society. She is also one who has a strong view on how people should view women in society. While this is all fair and good, it remains to be seen just how much of an effect her views and current sexuality would have on her marriage with Hemsworth in the long run.


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