Celebrity Babies

Kourtney Kardashian Goes Ballistic Over Her Kid’s School Lunch Meals



We all know just how terrible school meals can be, and for most parents, they throw their hands up in resignation because they genuinely think there’s nothing, they can do about it.

Except of course, one parent – Kourtney Kardashian, the “Keeping up with the Kardashian” reality TV star.

In a recent post she made exclusively on her Poosh website, Kourtney shared why she felt someone needed to speak up about the food being served in her little one’s school.

As a mom of three – Mason the oldest at 9, Penelope, 7, and the youngest Reign, 4 – The Poosh empress revealed it was “unsettling” to see the kind of meals and snacks being served at her kid’s school.

She was straightforward in calling out “processed foods, less than fresh, inorganic produce, etc.,” she wrote.

“But as moms, it’s in our power to raise some awareness and rally for healthier options.”

She said she wasn’t impressed with the food being served at her children’s school, and she made sure the principal knew about it.

In her words, “I wasn’t satisfied with the food being served at my kid’s school, so I made sure that the principal knew about my concerns.”

The TV star who had a breakdown recently during her 40thbirthday party didn’t only make her concerns known. She went a step further to share her sustainable eating tips with the school.

“And I’ve continued to offer my two cents on everything from the type of milk they serve to their use of single-use plastic.”

However, she agreed her insistence might have come off as a bit “annoying.” But she’s not relenting on her efforts to ensure her kids eat healthily. “I’m doing it for my kids and their futures,” she wrote on her lifestyle blog.

It’s not surprising to see Kourtney take up this advocacy as she has been a healthy living activist for years. In fact, she’s a stickler for a gluten-free, dairy-free diet and is teaching her young ones to eat organic, sustainable meals.

The mom of three said she’s continually sharing the importance of sustainability with her kids. “While sometimes it feels like it’s ‘too late’ for my own generation to get on the same page, we can form a new generation that is raised in awareness about the state of the world – a generation with fundamental values that promotes sustainability.”

“I practice using my voice in my community in an effort to make improvements in our environment and health, and I feel like bringing my kids into the mission is the legacy I can leave behind.”

Kourtney encouraged other parents to become more eco-conscious. “It may seem like change is out of your reach,” she wrote. “But truly it’s within all of our grasp […] so if you feel small, speak up. Our voices are big.”

While it might feel from the outside that it’s going to take quite a while before any significant changes can be made, Kourtney believes – “Dialogue picks up momentum, and momentum stirs change.”


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