
Kelly Clarkson Performs Twice (Brilliantly!) and Wants to be Remembered for Her Success as a Mother



We all need a dose of Kelly Clarkson from time to time and she has just given two brilliant performances on The Kelly Clarkson Show and The Voice. Just in case anybody was in any doubt as to whether she could still sing (we weren’t!), she first sang the revised version of ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ with John Legend on The Voice. Although the lyrics differ to the original, a decision that has had a mixed reception, Clarkson’s performance was as strong as ever.

As part of John Legend’s Christmas album, the lyrics have been altered compared to the 1944 version. Of course, the original tells the story of a man not wanting his date to leave his side after a romantic evening. For some, the lyrics seem as though the man is using a little too much force and persuasion. Therefore, an example of the new lyric sees the man calling a car rather than trying to keep her inside.

Kelly Sings Fred Rogers

Although the new lyrics haven’t been received well by everybody, Kelly Clarkson shined with her singing, just as she did as part of the ‘Kellyoke’ segment of her talk show. With no dispute over the lyrics this time, she performed in the section of the show that allows her to choose either a song that means something to her or one of her guests. With Tom Hanks on the sofa, the man who played Fred Rogers in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, Clarkson went with ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor’ and got a fantastic reception both in the studio and from fans at home.

For those old enough to remember, the song will sound familiar as it was sung on every single episode of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Now, Tom Hanks is playing the man in a film based on his life. In case you’re looking for a movie to watch this weekend, a journalist is assigned to profile Rogers and they end up forming an unlikely bond. Considered one of the kindest men of his generation, it was a nice surprise for many Americans to hear the wonderful tune once again (and it was in great hands with Clarkson!).

The Importance of Motherhood

A little while ago, Clarkson opened up about how motherhood changed her life. After winning American Idol back in 2002, she has been in the spotlight now for nearly two decades. In this time, she has collected countless awards while selling 25 million albums around the world. However, it seems none of this can compete with being a mother. When talking to People, she said that she wants to be remembered for her success as a wife, to Brandon Blackstock, and as a mother.

With all of this in mind, it seems Clarkson is still as humble as ever despite perfecting every single singing performance she ever gives. We hope to see more in the coming weeks (and hopefully some festive songs on the growing The Kelly Clarkson Show!).


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