
Jenelle Evans and Husband David Esson are Back in Court Over their Children’s custody



There was more bad news for the reality TV star, Janelle Evans these few weeks. She seems not to be getting it all together as she has been devastated over the current custody trouble she has to deal with. Everything seems to be happening sadly all at once. Janelle Evans and husband, David Esson were in court this time again to deal with how to get their children back.

Janelle’s husband, David Esson murdered the family dog and the CPS took her children away. What could be more saddening than this? It doesn’t look like there’s any hope for the couple to get their children back. They were thrown out of court on Friday, May 24 for trying to get the judge presiding over the case removed, so it seems they have stuck with the same judge after all.For about one week, Janelle’s kids have been taken from her only for her to be in court to find out that neither of them would be released to her. The children were taken away from her because of domestic situations that may be hard for the children to cope with.

The whole situation happened after David had beaten and killed the family’s pet, Nugget with a shotgun. He claimed the animal had bitten Ensley, their 2-year-old daughter on the face. As if killing the dog with a shotgun wasn’t bag enough,  he did it right in front of the kids, Maryssa, Keiser, and Ensley. This incident led to an outrage between Jenelle and David, but Janelle forgave her husband quickly and then she was fired from the reality show Teen Mom 2.

The Child Protective Services, CPS took away Janelle’s kids away and the judge won’t grant them custody over them because they saw David as a threat and bad influence to the kids. Now, Janelle is left to choose between staying with her husband and getting her children back. Apparently, being with David is the sole reason why she’s not getting her children back. Sadly enough she also got fired from the TV show. For someone who made over $400,000 from the last season, it is really sad that she no longer has her job, neither is she employable.

As it is, the Teen Mom is not ready to leave her husband,  they have been fighting through how to get their kids custody back. The couple has not stopped going to court since their children were taken from them. Janelle can’t help but bear a devastating look every time. This is truly not an easy situation.

Janelle’s three kids, Kaiser, 4, Ensley, 2, David’s daughter, Maryssa, and Janelle’s other son,  Jace, 9, were removed from the home in North Carolina in the light that David is a threat. Janelle’s son, Jace is not allowed to visit his other with David around. With all of these happening, the mother of 3 is devastated and doesn’t know what she would do without her supportive husband.

Janelle’s eldest son, Jace is with Barbara, Janelle’s mother for primary custody. Her 4year old son, Kaiser is with Nathan Griffith, his father. Ensley, Janelle and David’s daughter is also with Babara. All Janelle wants is to have her family back. She’s is an amazing mom, she loves her kids, and she’s striving hard to get them back with David on her side.


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