Celebrity Babies

Christina Anstead is Battling With a Very Severe Heartburn while Pregnant



Image Source: Getty Images

One of the most trying times in the lives of many women is when they get pregnant. Of course, we understand that pregnancy is not always easy but it is just the case that there are particular women who usually experience more turbulence during this period. One of such is Christina Anstead who happens to be a star on the HGTV. She made it known that she has had to battle with heartburn over the period of her pregnancy. This will actually be Christina’s third.

Christina is just 35 and she took to Instagram to express how she felt about her experiences during her pregnancy. On the 27th of June, she updated a post which happened to be a reflection on how crazy the month of June was for her.

She posted: “Tay had tonsil surgery — her recovery was rough (luckily after 3 weeks she’s all healed up!), @ant_anstead tore his bicep and had to have surgery (ouch!) and Tay & Bray got some not so fun virus that’s going around,” Christina said. “Needless to say … June and it’s [sic] gloom are almost over and we are ready for July.”

Christina Anstead who starred at the Flip or Flop went on to share more about her experiences and what the 29th week felt like. She added: “[I’m] dealing with some major heartburn but we are in the home stretch. Time to start preparing the nursery.” She is set to be delivered of a baby boy which will actually be her first kid after she got married to Ant Anstead.

She made use of her Instagram stories to share a screenshot which showed the joys that she had about being pregnant for 29 weeks. It could clearly be seen on the snap some symptoms being listed that are linked with women who are pregnant during this period. You could see symptoms such as gas, lightheadedness, as well as, bloating and hemorrhoids.

This is actually not the first time where Christina will be talking about how it felt to be pregnant. Earlier in March, she also spoke out regarding the level of difficulty that she experienced during her first trimester. She also took to Instagram to write: “The first trimester was brutal!!! Maybe it’s my age (35 — considered a geriatric pregnancy) lol … or maybe I just forgot how bad it was with Tay and Bray … But yikes, it really blind sided [sic] me. Nausea, exhaustion, too many food aversions, too many carbs …. Anyways, I’m officially back to feeling somewhat normal. Going to try and enjoy the second trimester while it’s here.”

Trust Christina not to forget her husband whom she showed so much appreciation for. She was full of thanks for the level of support that he showed to her even with all her complaints. The couple got married in 2018 and this will actually not be their first marriages. They both have ex-partners whom they have kids with.


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