
Celebrities Join the Fight for Climate Change Action: Jane Fonda and Others Arrested



At Celeb Network, we like to stay abreast of the latest celebrity stories whether it’s movie stars, singers, fashion designers, sports stars, or other personalities. However, we also like to report on what celebrities are doing. Over the course of the previous 12 months, there has been a common theme; speaking out against world governments and trying to encourage action against climate change.

As Halloween passed and we entered November, Jane Fonda stuck to her word about the so-called ‘Fire Drill Fridays’ and it saw a number of famous faces attend. Held in Washington D.C. every Friday through to January, Fonda wants to focus on a new climate issue each week. What’s more, the night before (Thursday evenings) will have ‘Teach-In’ live streams with several experts.

On the Fire Drill Fridays website, Fonda has quoted Greta Thunberg in saying that ‘Our House Is On Fire’. Every week, she will be leading those who attend on Capitol Hill in order to inspire politicians and leaders into action. As the opening demonstrations make the news, one picture of Fonda in handcuffs is doing the rounds. However, she wasn’t alone.

Celebrity Arrests at Fire Drill Fridays

So far, Fonda has been arrested every week. Also, pictures have surfaced of Ted Danson, Sam Waterston, Rosanna Arquette, Catherine Keener, and other stars in handcuffs. According to the United States Capitol Police yesterday, a total of 46 people were arrested and charged after their ‘unlawful demonstration’. Despite the arrests, crowds haven’t been deterred and it looks as though this movement will continue to grow. But will political leaders take note?

As we know, the predictions for our beautiful planet are frightening. If we continue at the same pace, we face depleted resources, planet warming, and all sorts of other problems. Sadly, apart from a few exceptions, world leaders have been slow to react. Last month, the UN Climate Summit only saw weak commitments. Not only this, but huge polluters, including the US, weren’t even in attendance.

All over the world, there has been more and more movements regarding climate change and it’s fair to say the crowds are becoming more diverse. Once thought of as an exercise by young people, marches and demonstrations are seeing young, old, male, female, rich, poor, and all others too.

Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems with huge economies seems to be the blame game – ‘we’re not as bad as ‘x’, so we don’t have to change before they do’. For example, President Trump has previously spoken out against China in order to detract the attention from US emissions. Just yesterday, Greta Thunberg appeared on Ellen and noted that a meeting with Trump would simply be ‘a waste of time’.

It has been a big week for the 16-year-old as she also rejected an award for her activism. She noted that she wasn’t going to go away just because of an award and some money. Just like Fonda and many other celebrities, she’s pushing for real change!


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