Everyone loves the epic adventures of the adorable Viking Hiccup and the beautiful golden retriever of a dragon, Toothless. The amazing film franchise debuted in 2010...
The first Joker film directed by Todd Phillips that came out in 2019 was an unhinged and unpredictable drama-thriller. The madness of the famous DC character...
Marvel’s Black Panther: Wakanda Forever shows some of everyone’s favorite characters coming back to the screen for a thrilling yet saddening new story. Film director Ryan...
The Chris Pratt-led Guardians of the Galaxy series is yet back again with a brand new installment in the series. James Gunn’s vision for the story...
The Jenna Ortega version of Scream is all set to make sure nobody goes to sleep in peace. The horror series has a long reputable history...
Marvel’s new film in its planned Phase 5 is all set to be released on 17th February to blow the minds of everyone. The plot can...
Gladiator, a film starring Russell Crowe as Maximus Decimus Meridius, was first released back in 2000. The film was directed by Ridley Scott, who is also...
Titanic came out in 1997, 25 years from now. The movie became an instant classic and can be considered a Hall of fame movie even in...
China is all set to reembrace superhero films as it reopens to Hollywood itself. One of the films to profit from this is going to be...
Recently, DC Studios were in the headlines for the dramatic changes being made in the DC film world by new heads James Gunn and Peter Safran....