Sports Celebrities

BFF Goals: Serena Williams Reveals How Meghan Markle Flew To New York With New Born Prince Archie To See Her Play in the US Open



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What is there not to love about two females being there for each other – supporting each other. And, when needed flying thousands of miles across the Atlantic with a new born baby just to cheer their best friend on as they play in the US Open?

 Well, that’s exactly the story of Serena Williams and Meghan Markle whose friendship go way back.

Serena in a recent interview shared how the Duchess of Sussex flew all the way to New York with four-month-old son Archie back in September to watch her play.

At the time, it was reported that Meghan had traveled to New York leaving her newborn baby and husband Prince Harry behind.

Speaking to Access Hollywood, the tennis super-star revealed “[Meghan] flew all the way with a newborn to see me play in New York and flew all the way back that night.

The 23-times Grand Slam winner candidly reflected whether she could have done the same if she were in Meghan’s shoes. “And I probably couldn’t have done that,” she said.

Meghan 38 and Serena first met in 2010. However, they instantly hit it off at a charity football game in 2014.

At the time, Meghan wrote on her lifestyle blog, “The Tig” “We hit it off immediately, taking pictures, laughing through the flag football game we were both playing in, and chatting not about tennis or acting, but about all the good all old-fashioned girly stuff.

So began our friendship…and she quickly became a confidante I would text when I was travelling, the friend I would rally around for her tennis matches, and the down-to-earth chick I was able to grab lunch with just a couple of weeks ago in Toronto.”

Speaking about her friendship with Meghan, Serena said: “I think it’s really cool to have a group of friends who are doing amazing things and face the same pressure you face with being in the public eye.”

“It just kind of goes to show you what an amazing person that she is, and that’s just one of the many things that she does for me,” Serena continued. “I call her, text her anytime, crying, upset – she’s always there. Doesn’t matter what she’s going through she just sets time away, and she’s just so amazing.”

She then reflected on the kind of public pressure Meghan faces from being married into the royal family:

“I’m not sure that many people can relate on that level, I don’t think I can. I just think she’s the strongest person I know, the nicest, sweetest.”

The visit to New York is believed to be the first since the baby shower party in which Serena took it upon herself to organize the most stunning bash for her friend. A celebration which she revealed “took a lot of effort” but was pretty much determined to make absolutely perfect for her best friend Markle.


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