
Best Celebrity Documentaries of 2019



In recent years, the US has had a new pastime arise; binge-watching documentaries on Netflix and other streaming services. Can’t find anything on TV? It’s time to start watching a new documentary series. Of course, many have revolved around celebrities and we’ve seen some brilliant additions to the category this year. If you’re looking for something to watch this holiday season, here’s a selection of our favorites!

Ice on Fire

If you haven’t seen this environmental documentary already, we highly recommend it. Not only is it narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, it is produced by the star and touches on all sorts of environmental risks that are present in today’s society. Will an arctic methane release cause an extinction-level event? What technologies will help with reversing global warming effects? This is a great insight into the problems we face and how our planet will survive (if at all!).

Surviving R. Kelly

It was the talk of everybody at the beginning of the year, and we’re sure the conversation will continue for some time to come. If you haven’t yet seen it, this documentary explored the alleged sexual crimes of the famous singer/rapper. First made available by Lifetime, a number of women have come forward against R. Kelly and the documentary actually led to him being dropped from his label and arrested.

Leaving Neverland

Although somewhat difficult to watch, just like Surviving R. Kelly, Leaving Neverland covers the allegations of two men against Michael Jackson. Though never found guilty while alive, the allegations surrounding Jackson have never disappeared. Were stories swept under the carpet? Do you believe the allegations?

Ask Dr Ruth

Dr Ruth isn’t a celebrity in the traditional sense of the word, but she is in many people’s eyes. As a holocaust survivor, HIV activist, and sex therapist, Dr Ruth Westheimer was one of the few speaking openly about sex when the rest of the world kept quiet. In a successful yet tragic life of 90 years so far, you can explore her story and celebrate a wonderful woman.


Unfortunately, there has been a theme with celebrity documentaries this year and it has been around the sexual misconduct of those in a position of power. With Harvey Weinstein at the center of this documentary, it explored more on the Hollywood industry and the power dynamics that can make key figures somewhat ‘untouchable’.


If you watched the 2018 Coachella performance by Beyoncé, you’ll know that it was a magical occasion. What better way to enjoy it again than through the eyes of the woman herself? In this documentary, Beyoncé was the writer, director, and executive producer.

Our Planet

Finally, the Brit David Attenborough is a superstar all around the world for his dulcet tones narrating over some of the best footage of the animal kingdom that you’re likely to find. This year, he released Our Planet on Netflix and continues to do great work for the creatures that can’t speak up for themselves.


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