Box Office

Actors with the Highest Box Office Revenues



When it comes to the world of movies, you’ll often hear about the highest-grossing movies, box office revenues, and the earnings of celebrities. However, what isn’t so common is to learn about the actors that have generated the highest box office revenues through their movies. Which actors are the most attractive to directors and filmmakers?

Samuel L Jackson Net worth

According to some calculations, Samuel L Jackson movies have grossed over $10 billion. Not only is this highly impressive, but it also makes him the only actor who can boast reaching $10 billion in box office revenue. Appearing in well over 100 movies, his highest-grossing movies include The Avengers, Star Wars, and Pulp Fiction.

Robert Downey Jr Net worth

You could name Robert Downey Jr’s earlier films, but they all pale in comparison to his work with The Avengers franchise. Additionally, the Sherlock Holmes franchise has also been received incredibly well in recent years. With this, his box office returns sit at around $6 billion.

Andy Serkis Net worth

Although this might come as a surprise to some, it’s important to remember that Serkis has appeared in The Hobbit, Planet of the Apes, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars movies. With this in mind, he has contributed greatly to box office revenues and is just underneath Robert Downey Jr.

Tom Hanks Net worth

Now the favorite actor of many movie fans, we have the lovable Tom Hanks next. While some know his voice as Woody from Toy Story, others admire his performances in Saving Private Ryan, Cast Away, or Forrest Gump. Either way, Tom Hanks has earned movie companies just under $5.6 billion.

Anthony Daniels Net worth

As the second Brit in this list, Anthony Daniels has only a handful of movies on his record. Interestingly, he did the voice for Legolas in a Lord of the Rings animation in the 1970s. However, it’s his work as C3PO in the Star Wars franchise that has propelled Daniels towards the top.

Scarlett Johansson Net worth

You might notice a theme here, and Johansson becomes the third actor to appear in The Avengers in this list. Away from the Marvel Universe, Johansson has appeared in Sing and The Jungle Book. In total, she has helped to earn box office revenues of $5.4 billion.

Harrison Ford Net worth

Many names on this list have an average box office per movie of over $100 million, but Harrison Ford is perhaps the most impressive since his career spans such a long period. His movies have earned $5.4 million, which means an average of $108 million per movie. Of course, he has been in the Indiana Jones and Star Wars films.

Morgan Freeman Net worth

The final name in our list is another much-loved actor known for Lean on Me, The Shawshank Redemption, and various other movies. Yet, nothing can top the Dark Knight franchise. He is the only other actor to have earned production companies over $5 billion over the course of a career.

Are there any surprises? Who is your favorite from this list?


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