
7 Weird Celebrity Christmas Traditions – Will You Be Embracing These Ideas?



It’s the last day of November, Halloween is long gone, Thanksgiving weekend is here, and we enter December tomorrow. What better way to enter the holidays than to have some fun? Every family has their own Christmas traditions, and it’s part of what makes this time of year so special. While some of them are entirely normal, others can only be considered ‘weird’ and this is what we have for you today – weird celebrity Christmas traditions.

Fast Food Christmas Eve

Christmas is a time to ditch fast food, bake together, cook together, and enjoy extravagant meals, right? Well, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend have started a new tradition of enjoying McDonald’s on Christmas Eve. We know two people who probably love the idea; little Luna and Miles.

Mummy Time

One for all the hard-working mothers out there, the Smith family (Will and co) treat the holiday season as ‘Mummy Time’. From December 22nd to January 1st, everybody does as the mothers in the family say. Weird? Maybe not, but we couldn’t not include this as we hope other families will adopt the same christmas tradition.

Waffle House Breakfast

For many, Christmas Day is a time to stay at home; leaving the house (other than to pick up relatives or go to family members’ houses) is considered strange. Therefore, you might be surprised to hear that Carrie Underwood and her family visit Waffle House for breakfast on the big day. After making enough food at this time of year, she says it’s a time to relax (and leave a generous tip!).

Two Turkeys and a Unique 12 Days of Christmas

One celebrity has their family eat two turkeys on Christmas Day and then freestyle to the 12 Days of Christmas, and that celebrity is…Jessica Alba. Just in case you dislike anything other than a traditionally cooked turkey, her father makes one spicy with fresh jalapeños.

Christmas Performances

Talking of singing and performances, Michelle Obama once said that, growing up, family members would perform for their gifts. Not only this, it has now become normal with Barack and the kids. Especially with a large extended family, she said that small gifts and performances would keep everybody smiling.

The Queen’s Speech

For any Brits reading this, it won’t be surprising to hear that the Beckham family sits down and watches the Queen’s speech every single Christmas. For Americans, the thought of the whole nation sitting down to watch the TV at the same time might seem odd. Every year, the Queen delivers a short speech and it has become a tradition to watch it (even if the TV stays off for the remainder of the day!).

Family Weigh-In

Speaking of the Queen, rumor suggests that every member who attends dinner with the Royal Family gets weighed. Why? It’s actually a tradition that dates back to the early 20th century where the weigh-in would ensure that all guests had been fed well enough.

Let us know your unique family Christmas traditions!


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